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Saturday, 11 January 2020

Free Read Oyabun: Chief of the Japanese Mafia (Yakuza) Now

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Oyabun Chief of the Japanese Mafia Yakuza ~ Oyabun Chief of the Japanese Mafia Yakuza Cid a Filipino musician who defied being away from a loving and protective family dared to go to Japan during the time when the story of Maricris a Filipina entertainer who was allegedly killed by a yakuza by plunging his sword to her vagina was all over the news back home

Author Cid Damon’s new book “Oyabun Chief of the Japanese ~ Author Cid Damon’s new book “Oyabun Chief of the Japanese Mafia Yakuza” is a riveting tale inspired by his personal experience as a Filipino musician in Japan

Author Cid Damons new book Oyabun Chief of the Japanese ~ Author Cid Damons new book Oyabun Chief of the Japanese Mafia Yakuza is a riveting tale inspired by his personal experience as a Filipino musician in Japan

15 Scary Things You Didn’t Know About The Yakuza Thought ~ Kazuo Taoka was the oyabun of Japan’s largest Yakuza family Yamaguchigumi He was nicknamed “Kuma” “Bear” for attacking his opponent’s eyes He was shot in the back of the neck but survived His attacker was found dead weeks later in some woods surrounding Kobe

History and Background on the Yakuza in Japan ~ The oyabun was allowed to use a surname and to carry a sword an honor previously allowed only to samurai Oyabun literally means foster parent signifying the bosses positions as the heads of their tekiya families The second group that gave rise to the yakuza was the bakuto or gamblers

Author Cid Damons new book Oyabun Chief of the Japanese ~ Author Cid Damons new book Oyabun Chief of the Japanese Mafia Yakuza is a riveting tale inspired by his personal

The OyabunGodfather of Yamaguchi gumi Japans largest Yakuza group ~ He is the most influential person in the Yakuza society and the underground world in His name is Shinoda Kenichi but commonly known as Tsukasa Shinobu

yakuza History and Rituals Britannica ~ The leader of any gang or conglomerate of yakuza is known as the oyabun “boss” literally “parent status” and the followers are known as kobun “protégés” or “apprentices” literally “child status” The rigid hierarchy and discipline are usually matched by a rightwing ultranationalistic ideology

Yakuza Wikipedia ~ Beginning in 2009 led by agency chief Takaharu Ando Japanese police began to crack down on the gangs Kodokai chief Kiyoshi Takayama was arrested in late 2010 In December 2010 police arrested Yamaguchigumis alleged number three leader Tadashi Irie


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